How to Develop Consumer Hardware (Part 1 of 4)
In this first entry of the series, I take a high-level look at the two ways you can go about developing consumer hardware, talk about some important base concepts and discuss the first stage of the first track which cover MVP development.
How to Develop Consumer Hardware (Part 2 of 4)
In the second part of this series round up the MVP development track using a case study of a smart steamer. We cover how you’ll define what you’ll MVP will and won’t include and how to keep it lean without breaking the bank.
8 Essential Rules for Building MVPs
Thinking about building an MVP of your Consumer Hardware? Read this list first!
Sell Before You Build: Proving Willingness-to-Pay
How do you go about proving willingness-to-pay with consumer hardware? How can I sell before I build and what are the things I have to look out for. In this guide, I’ll walk you through some of your options, with a special one I prefer at the end.
Is Hardware Really That Hard?
Here’s a cliché for you: hardware is hard! Or is it? Let’s take a trip to figure out why it’s the black sheep of the startup family and if that’s completely fair?
Always De-Risk Your Market First
Don’t start building just yet. I know you want to and your hands are itching, but here’s why that’s probably a bad idea.
Why Interviews Matter (a Scientific Proof)
Ever been skeptical about the power of interviewing just five people? You’re not alone, but don’t fall into this trap. In this article I talk about the absolute importance of talking to your customers, why you shouldn’t be foolde by dumb quotes and how to prove (with science!) that small sample sizes are actually really powerful!